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"gen" lamp on dash

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#1 _gstar_

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 10:44 AM

i updated the generator a vhile ago with a modern unit, forgot to put the dam wire back on from the dash so my little red light goes off, but i forget what colour it is, and where does it go on the new altenator? had a guess and it started making squeeling noises, so better to ask first.

and the oil light does not work because the wire is not plugged in, but just down from the dizzy, i can not see the point where it actually goes on.

#2 _73LJWhiteSL_

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 12:54 PM

Posted Image

If you look on this picture, to the right of the oil filter (White) you will see a chrome drum. Thats a oil preasure sender for a guage. In the same place as that there will be a bolt with a pin and a big head on it. The oil wire goes on that.

The bolt is a lot smaller than the drum you see there. This is cause i have the GTR cluster with the oil preasure sender and the sender is different.

Hope i haven't confused you


Edited by 73LJWhiteSL, 15 January 2006 - 12:58 PM.

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