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SU Needle Trouble

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#1 _draglc_

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Posted 24 December 2005 - 09:06 PM

Hey guys,

Been having troubles with one of my SU's and last night after 2 hours i found out it was a needle (the one in the fuel bowl, ie needle and seat) that was stuck, stopping fuel from entering the fuel bowl. So i took it apart, cleaned it up, but while i was holding the needle, the top sprung off it. I found it, put it back together and put the carb back together.. but today i was having the same troubles, on and off, the needle would get stuck, come loose, get stuck etc..

So its up for new needles and seats, but being that its xmas and all, very inconvenient, all the shops are shut.

These carbs are HIF SU's, meaning the fuel bowl is integrated into the bottom of the carby, not on the side like normal SU's.

Heres my question. Are the needles the same in normal SU's? Can i just swap a needle over from my other set of triples?

Thanks for any help.


#2 _purpleLC_

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Posted 24 December 2005 - 10:50 PM

Yes they should be the same.(but different brands dont look the same and can
be different lengths)
Is it a Viton tipped needle?
If you need to know float levell let me know.


#3 _draglc_

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Posted 25 December 2005 - 06:49 AM

well i certainly hope theyre the same.. gotta drive up the coast today!

#4 _draglc_

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Posted 25 December 2005 - 07:34 PM

fixed it! dodgy needle, was a plastic job and it had cracked..which allowed the little spring to pop out and shut off the fuel. borrowed one from another set of triples, and although not the exact same size, still works!


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