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LC 2Door S Project to XU1

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#1 _squirralien_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 03:01 PM

This is going to be a long project and on a budget, I have obtained an LC 2 door standard model and my aim is to gradually clone an XU1, its a budget XU1, Id buy a real one if I could afford it but for me I will be happy to have one thats eventually just a set of original plates short of the real thing.
I will make it look right and get a motor built to as close to xu1 specs that I can and get it on the road as soon as I can realisticly and add things like the triple carbs and bathurst tank later as they become available to the budget.
Apart from getting some media blasting done I will do all the body work and interior will be done through a friend and mechanical will be done with a friend helping apart from the engineering work to the head and block.
Now the budget is money I get from selling another vehicle so I am doing the most expensive parts of the job with that and see how we go. My time is limited on the project as I also have a disabled daughter that I spend a lot of time with and if you want to read her story it is at www.melissas.net its a must read for parents, well for anyone as the message is don't let doctors tell you that a siezure isn't a seizure or that it's not dangerous,, anyway back to the topic.
I am not sure how this will work but here is a link to my photobucket slideshow, If it doesn't work I will change it.
I would be interested to find some locals with the same interest, im in Adelaide.

#2 _Skapinad_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 04:01 PM

keep us posted with the updates, what colour you got in mind ?

#3 _squirralien_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 04:10 PM

I think the colour will most likely be yellow dolly, a rich yellow that doesn't look washed out

#4 lcgtr1970


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Posted 06 June 2008 - 04:20 PM

yeah yellow dolly is an awesome colour.
my gtr is done in yellow dolly and i love it! nice and bright, and stands out too.

#5 orangeLJ


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Posted 06 June 2008 - 04:26 PM

Mate, i just sat and read through what happened to your daughter.

Thats horrible. And im caught between wanting to break things in anger and wanting to ball my eyes out for you guys.

Hospitals can be horrible places. My great uncle is now mentally and physically disabled due to incompetency of a hospital on the north coast of NSW.

It cant be easy to deal with, but good on you for soldiering on.

Welcome to GMH torana.

Looks like you have a great base for what you want to accomplish, pity about the sunroof hole though!


#6 _squirralien_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 04:38 PM

Yes I also love the yellow, but theres a yellow thats very washed out and I am not so keen on that one, Yellow dolly for mine I think,

Yes its not a nice story but it happens and there is nothing to be done than to get on with it and do the best for the ones we love,,
I am considering repairing the hole but the wreckers so far have all wanted $80 for a small piece of roof steel, its not that I can't affor that but more the principal, I won't pay 80 for a piece of metal when the shell is already cut to bits, understandable if the shell was complete and good, I just wouldn't cut it out. maybe Ill find one somewhere that is stuffed and I can get the small bit of the roof skin and then Ill repair it. maybe the wrong attitude but I just can't get past $80 for a piece of steel thats would otherwise be useless to the wrecker. Maybe Ill overcome that attitude in time when I have to make the disicion to repair or sunroof the hole.
I have started to UNflair the guards, Ill add the photos when I take them

#7 _P51_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 05:13 PM

Sorry to hear about your daughter, I have two of my own. both healthy thank god, good luck to you all in the future.......I also live in S.A, just off the coast actually,and im doing an LC 2 door also....if you have any questions or need advise I may be able to help...there is a torana car club in S.A. that you may consider becomming a member of.
Just plug away and don't get discoraged by small hurdles, most can be overcome, as im sure you know all too well.......... :spoton:

#8 _rorym_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 05:30 PM

Yes I also love the yellow, but theres a yellow thats very washed out and I am not so keen on that one, Yellow dolly for mine I think,

There was a LC GTR in the Canberra Club, I think, called Toll Yellow that was a real washed out colour.

#9 limo


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Posted 06 June 2008 - 06:43 PM

Looks like a good start and I find working on Toranas good for my sanity, I can always walk away when it gets to me, besides that I am cutting up 2 4drs for myself and couple of forum members who need bits, both have good roof sections so if you want to come up some weekend and bring your angle grinder you can help yourself

#10 _squirralien_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 07:19 PM

Thank you for that I will organise a time very soon

#11 _Skapinad_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 08:47 PM

steven.... i didnt really want to say anything initially, but since you included it in your post, and there have been a couple of responses... i thought i would add my two cents... Your web page on melissa nearly brought a tear to my eye, I can only try and understand what you have been through, but it is good to see you are trying to divert your energy into other activities and I hope your other children benefit from this also..... I am particularly touched by this story as I am expecting my first child in just 4 weeks, and I can only imagine the pain this saga has caused you... my thoughts are with you and your family, however, I feel after reading over your story a few times ( noting the spelling and grammatical errors, sorry but its a problem i have!) that you just need to let it go and enjoy what you have.

My sister works in the emergency department of a major hospital, and mother has worked with specialists all her life. I cannot believe that their would have been that level of neglect for extended periods. I am sure they would have done everything in their powers to maintain her life, and regardless of who was or wasnt right, I think for you personally , that moving on and enjoying life, as it would seem you are trying to do, would be the best thing...

Hopefully this is not offensive to you, I am simply giving you my honest opinion, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your family the best for the future.....

As a side note... and this is way off topic for members projects, and indeed this thread.... but as i am expecting (well the wife is anyway).. I have elected at considerable expense to harvest cord blood stem cells for long term storage... has anyone had any experience in this..? and steven, do you think this technology could have benefited Melissa ?


Edited by skapinad, 06 June 2008 - 08:51 PM.

#12 _squirralien_

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Posted 06 June 2008 - 09:37 PM

Ill keep this short because its not really the place but I have well and truley moved on and do the best for my family, always have and always will, the neglect was from to many people having a say and what happened to her was inhumaine and wouldn't happen to a dog. Doctors are generally good but the system allows for errors, there is no defence for this situation, no person or animal would be left to seizure for hours without treatment while in the care of professionals, but this is what happened and what can happen, the lesson is that parents must know that they have more rights in the treatment instead of what we believed, that we had to do what they say, as for the spelling, who cares the message is what its about and when remembering details gramma was the last thing on my mind, Ill get time one day to go through it again, definately not offended because its hard to believe, but I was there, now Im here and my torana is my medicine.

I don't mind talking about this anytime but maybe from now on if anyone wants to write to me about it we should use either the pm private message or email me from the link on the website so as not to take up the forum space.
It is just to easy to forget and write to much.

Thank you to everyone, I love my Torana and I am enjoying this forum, I have been going through some of the other project threads and loving every bit of it,

#13 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:32 PM

I have now added 3 pictures of the dash now it has been covered with a foam velour and waiting for the vynal to come in to cover it with, then it will look beautiful

#14 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:35 PM

ill try to put the pictures on here instead of the link to photobucket slideshow, I think this will be much better for viewing the pictures, I will get as many as I can without becoming boring
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Edited by squirralien, 08 June 2008 - 03:49 PM.

#15 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:40 PM

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#16 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:43 PM

This is the dash, the cracks were ground out and made sure there were no edges sticking up, then the spray expanding foam was sprayed in and masking tape over the top to force the foam down in to the hollow spaces, then trimmed up after that to get a smooth surface
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#17 _P51_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:45 PM

You need to get that shed up dude................. :cry:

#18 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:47 PM

this is after a velour foam was layed and stretched over the dash ready for the vynal
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And until mine is finished this is a mate of mine's dash that is finished sitting in place in all its glory
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#19 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 04:17 PM

Here are a couple of pictures of the front wheel arches, someone had flared them and late one night I decided just to see how they will come up, I should have ground the crap off first but I wanted to save the nieghbours from grinding noise at night, Ill grind it off next so I can shape them up better. They are opposite sides but I didn't get any pictures before I started the unflaring session.
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#20 _P51_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 09:13 PM

EeeUooAhh.....flared gaurds on an LC...... :furious:

#21 _squirralien_

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 09:32 PM

haha love the little animation,, but that was my thoughts when I saw them, I was thinking about cutting them off and welding on some originals that haven't been tampered with, but I am sure they will come up ok once I grind all the crap out and re shape them from clean metal.

#22 _squirralien_

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 05:38 PM

Ok all de-flaired, it looks so much better now, can't wait until after it is blasted to really get stuck in to it
This is the Drivers Side Front Guard
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This is the Passengers Side Front Guard
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#23 _P51_

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Posted 13 June 2008 - 10:41 PM

Mmmm.....looks like lots of hammer and dolly work to get those gaurds up.... :banghead:

#24 _squirralien_

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 12:28 AM

Yes it was a bit of that, not to bad I thought it was going to be a real pain but it wasn't that difficult really, I quite enjoyed it.

#25 rodomo


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Posted 14 June 2008 - 01:09 AM

Yes it was a bit of that, not to bad I thought it was going to be a real pain but it wasn't that difficult really, I quite enjoyed it.

A bit like chasing women? :huh:
Nice work! :clap:

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