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how much were you paying for fuel

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#1 TerrA LX

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 01:19 AM

there was reference made to fuel prices in another topic about the reaction of when it went to 70c/L and it got me thinking of when i started driving fuel was about 27c/L and seemed to last forever.
over time the price rose to 30c/L and people cut back driving for a while and i faintly remember the "fuel shortage" we had in sydney (late 80's maybe) where there was a limit of $10 and at another time odd numberplates were only allowed to fill on say monday, wednesday and friday and even numbers on the others. you had to watch the news for updates on when you could fill.
$10 these days would hardly be enough to get to work and back.
when you think about it, fuel hits $1.50 mark that would be roughly a 600% increase. wish my wage had increased that much.

#2 shanegtr


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Posted 10 August 2006 - 08:15 AM

fuels already past $1.50/L here. Both petrol and diesel are $1.58/L. Premium is more :<_<:

#3 _Herne_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:09 AM

Canberra fuel is around $1.50 per litre here and thats the cheap 87% stuff.
I cant be exact because my car has been off the road since the middle of May.
Hoping to have it running this weekend and then I will know exactly what it costs again.

Here in Canberra we are being told it will soon reach $1.80 per litre!

Gas conversions are talking about $1000.00 rebate (aust wide)? But then so is the government talking about an excise (the tax you are having when you are not being taxed) - work that one out! The excise date is being bandied around at 2011 and 2012 and one person on the TV had a stab at 2008....

Off to the shops now to buy a moped ;) lol


#4 _devilsadvocate_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:25 AM

Gas rebates��..tax payers subsidising cheaper motoring for others��..something very wrong about that. Surely just the difference in the price of the fuel is enough incentive to convert���.are we going to have subsidies for those that cant afford even to own a car as well��.madness.
The range of controls that would have to be put in place would be very complex.....a basic lpg conversion shouldnt cost more than $1200 anyway........will the rebate be available for every old clunker on its last legs etc, or only one per licensed drive etc......its a minefield

#5 orangeLJ


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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:37 AM

monefield or not it was on the telly last night being yarned about by some pollies. and 1200 bucks for a gas conversion... i think your kiding yourself there. it all depends on the type of car and how much of the system you buy. looking at more like 4000 to get it done (my mum works for a gas conversion place) newer gas injection systems are even more expensive. Not to mention that you cant fit old style gas conversions to newer model commodores and falcons, as they have plastic intakes on them and get blown to peices by a backfire.

#6 _devilsadvocate_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:42 AM

I did say basic, that would be to put a basic impco mixer, convertor and tank onto a torrie.........if anyone can show why that should cost more than $1200 parts and labour......that would be great, people can have the option of converting a cheaper older car! I get the impression that lpg convertors are just 'naming' their prices atm.

Edited by devilsadvocate, 10 August 2006 - 09:45 AM.

#7 _Herne_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:45 AM

Figures thrown around last night by gas conversion 'specialists' ??? here in Canberra ranged from $2,500 - $3,000 per vehicle.

H'mmmmmmmm I would willingly pay $1200 for a fully useable and passed system.

With regard to how much I used to pay for fuel, well the earliest I remember was filling up my motorcycle from empty for 2/- (2 shillings) roughly 20cents in todays money. A good number here would not know what a shilling was lol. I may have paid less but thats one figure I recall.


Edited by Herne, 10 August 2006 - 09:49 AM.

#8 Tiny


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Posted 10 August 2006 - 10:19 AM

*Snipped* for 2/- (2 shillings) roughly 20cents in todays money. A good number here would not know what a shilling was lol. *Snipped*


HAHAH Now You're showing your age Herne!!

I remeber when i first started driving the torana to school, I used to pay about 48cpl... Used to fill the tank for $20 drive to school all week and thrash around all weekend and fill er up monday arvo after school!

*Sigh* Those were the good old days hey!

Then i remeber the first War in Iraq... it jumped to 70cpl there abouts.. and steadily climbed to 80-85c....

Shillings.. LOL!

P.S Did anyone else hear of the government... I'm not sure if its a NSW or federal.. Tax on LPG? 5c per year for the next 5 years? From what i remeber we're about in the second year of it, and i dont recall the reasoning behind why they did that.. Other than they were loosing heaps ( and could see it coming!) when more and more people switched to LPG and stopped using the 45% odd taxed fuel we currently use!
Feel fre to correct me if i remeber wrongly!


#9 _devilsadvocate_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 10:56 AM

Cant remember what price petrol was when I started driving......probably less than 10c/litre........but do remember a mini crisis(% wise it was a lot) when in 79 it suffered a huge jump to ~14c/litre.......big cars become cheap overnight.
Perhaps another way of looking at it all..........other than pollies throwing carrotts to those that dont think further than their hip pockets...... see Kenneth Davidson's article in today's Melbourne's "The Age"

#10 _Herne_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 11:01 AM

Yeah Tiny I heard something along those lines, cannot remember the exact details damnit. wasn't it 5cents per litre for 5 yrs? and then I think they said something like 24c per litre excise? The commencement date all seemed a bit iffy with different newsreaders announcing different dates.

My short term memory isnt what it used to be but long term is fairly terrific, I remember those who have done me wrong longer than an Elephant lol.

Showing my age Tiny???? lol shillings, yeah I guess that gives it away :)

Oh and I just remembered another thing worth mentioning, little balck book of useless information material ;)

LSD in those days had an entirely different meaning to what it does today.
hahahahaha Pounds, shillings and pence = LSD


Edited by Herne, 10 August 2006 - 11:04 AM.

#11 Litre8



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Posted 10 August 2006 - 01:23 PM

I remember 9c/litre.....Big news when it broke 10c/litre!!

When I drove over to Perth in 1976 it was 24c/litre at Norseman and I couldnt believe anyone could handle paying that much for petrol...

#12 _caseyo69_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 01:27 PM

Petrol in Mt Gambier SA is at 139.9 for ULP at the moment

#13 Dr Terry

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 02:03 PM

Hi Guys.

I'm probably older than most of you, so I won't bore you with the 3 shillings a gallon bit. But I'm not as old as I look, I just started high school school when $ came in.

The part I remember well, is when they tried to make everybody speak in litres, instead of gallons. It was in the early 70s during the 1st energy scare, petrol almost doubled in price overnight (10c/L to 20c/L), but everything was still sold in gallons, nobody would change.

As soon as petrol reached the magic figure of $1-00 per gallon, the petrol stations started using litres straight away.

24c per litre just sounds so much cheaper than $1-00 per gallon, don't you think.

Dr Terry.

#14 arrimar


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Posted 10 August 2006 - 05:02 PM

we send gas to the japs for 4 cents a litre. whats the name of michael mores book again? ah thats it "stupid white men".really australia isnt it about time we stopped being so lackadaisical and complacent and said NO JOHN go and gfjqhgdweyh yourself. cant believe the prick is still there. "wasnt me i didnt vote for him "nah mate wasnt me ivar"fair go .........pant pant pant rave over.

#15 Dr Terry

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 06:15 PM

Hi Guys.

We don't want to turn gmh-torana.com into a political soapbox, but I doubt that John Howard had anything to do with a privately owned oil/gas company selling LPG to anywhere.

I'm with you, I think the whole petrol price thing is a rip, especially when you think that Australia is a net exporter of petroleum, but don't blame Johnny for it, it's been this way since the 70s.

Also when you say you can't believe John is still there, remember the only other choice was Mark Latham, who is reality is just another incompetent left wing fool, & we had way too many of those in the 70s, 80s & early 90s.

Dr Terry.

#16 _HatchmanSS76_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 06:16 PM

I can remember paying 42c per litre when I first started hooning around.
Don't pay anything atm as work gave me a fuel card. Came at a good time too as the price had risen a lot since I bought the house. Better than any pay increase I've ever had. Having no Hatch to drive anymore is saving me around $150 a weekend too.

#17 arrimar


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Posted 10 August 2006 - 06:31 PM

dr terry, agree with you re:latham. isnt it a shame that the options are lacking. as far as this site becoming a political soap box..........its become an e-bay bully and general forum on topics far from anything to do with products from gmh anyway. i think the users that bother to post often raise topics that should concern everyone.this forum is bloody great,one of the last bastions of ockers all over this sunburnt country.fuels expensive ,a9x's are expensive and johnny was there in the 70s too.thank you for expressing an interest in this land of ours.

#18 TerrA LX

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 06:39 PM

^ agreed, i don't think all the johnny bashing and ebay bullying in the world could change this forum. who would wan't to?

#19 _devilsadvocate_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:06 PM

, but don't blame Johnny for it, it's been this way since the 70s.

Not wanting to be political here, but given he has been Australia's 2nd longest serving prime minister and in office for 10 years, there has been plenty of time to address this issue. Not sure if the policy itself is bad or not, but certainly the present government has no real forsight or insight on matters relating to energy other than making sure their mining shares are doing well!

#20 shanegtr


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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:25 PM

I recall fuel being around 70c/L when I first started buying it for my bush bombs :D

#21 TerrA LX

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:40 PM

70c/L doesnt seem too long ago, rembering when it hit $1.00/L and for a short time servos were hanging the extra digit off the end of the sign out front as they wernt sure wether to invest in new signs to hold the extra untill everyone was comfortable paying over $1.00. we should have made our stand then.

#22 _Feigz_

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 08:13 PM

It was $0.30 a litre when I started off behind the wheel and a packet of winnie reds was $0.75 a packet of 20's.

#23 Gump


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Posted 11 August 2006 - 11:14 AM

i think when i first started driving $40 to fill the torana but the fuel gauge didnt work to well. think it was about $1.10 or sum thing a litre

#24 LOWS2


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Posted 11 August 2006 - 01:09 PM

ive only ever paid for petrol in the $1.20-$1.50 range (licenced 1.5 yrs) and i think because i dont have any other financial responsibilities other than mobile phone, rent (still live at home so cheap) & me (i.e. food & fun), i dont have a massive problem paying that much as i can afford it atm. I get a full standard LJ tank to last 7 days (work & back) and costs me on average around $45-$60 each week for 98 octane. If i had a gf, loan to pay off, etc i would seriously struggle.

I also believe if the Government wanted to they could make petrol cheaper as they actually charge 2 taxes on petrol but as its such a great money spinner for them they wont ever drop the price, its just common sense if your making money why stop???


#25 _Yella SLuR_

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Posted 11 August 2006 - 02:58 PM

mid-1989 on the Gold Coast. The sky nearly fell in when Super hit 70c/L. By the end of the year, it was heading toward 80c/L.

Edited by Yella SLuR, 11 August 2006 - 02:59 PM.

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