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UC wiring diagram

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#1 _A9X UC_

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 12:13 PM

For those who are interested




Attached Files

#2 UCgazman


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 12:54 PM

Hey good on ya Mike, we needed a UC diagram on here :spoton:

#3 _cool72_

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 01:23 PM

Good on you for that Mike. it is what I will be needing in the future.

#4 _A9X UC_

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 01:26 PM

I think i have colour diagrams for all models. Will have to check though

#5 _A9X UC_

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 01:33 PM

Bugger they are all black n white but really easy to understand
The book is a maint/resto manual for all models
Instrument clusters. etc....

#6 UC308Hatch


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 02:51 PM

For those who are interested

Hi A9XUC, your attached Pdf is the same as mine from my 6 cylinder UC Torana manual ( no surprises ), but due to my current car rewiring, I have discovered that item 67 is actually the "Park Brake Switch", not the high beam warning lamp as listed (that is actually wire 'x' on item 64-instrument panel).

Might help someone if they are doing what I currently am. 👍

#7 _rb3torana_

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Posted 28 November 2015 - 04:05 PM

Just fitted a UC harness in my LX and realised the exact same thing as UC308HATCH, was searching around the harness for a while though lol. Would have been easier to read the whole topic and not just download the diagram lol. Cheers

#8 _LJ Kermit_

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Posted 01 June 2016 - 09:27 PM



 thanks for the download... to add to my set.


though i find this style of drawing confusing and perhaps others, also?

I work in this area so i decided to do something about it.


Currently I am putting the finishing touches to the LJ 6  GTR diagram, (see attached file) and then plan to do the LH/LX diagrams  and LC GTR so it would be a fair while before i tried to tidy up this one.


the XU1 diagram below is an example of a style that i find a lot easier to comprehend (IMHO)


once again thanks for the upload of the file.  Good Work!



Attached Files

#9 _LJ Kermit_

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 12:36 PM

further to this level of torana geek enthusiasm...


the uc diagram posted has additional errors that should be noted....


1.  on the fuse box, terminals 12 and 24 don't appear to be connected to a power source

2.  item 55 on the drawing is item 56 on the list

3.  item 56 on the drawing is item 55 on the list

4.  no item number for the rear window demister connector (next to item 31 cigarette lighter)


in reference to line 1.  referring to the LH/LX wiring diagram perhaps this should be a pink wire from ignition switch?


comments most welcome....




#10 _LJ Kermit_

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 12:38 PM

p.s.  live in northern suburbs of perth and quite happy to talk about this... 

#11 _LJ Kermit_

_LJ Kermit_
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Posted 15 June 2016 - 04:33 PM



have redrawn the original document in a preferred format (mine)

it is *NOT* finished yet....  please note this when responding...


my biggest problem is reconstructing the original document and need advice or information from UC harness owners.

mainly photographs of the plugs showing wire colours and plug shapes to ensure that the drawing is more accurate.


and proofreading - i'm human and get things wrong.


if anyone has a similar diagram even in black and white it would be very useful to update this diagram as i have found that gregories maintenance book diagrams are rather obscure...


more later...



the wiring geek



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#12 _SRH11_

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Posted 17 June 2016 - 04:37 PM

Hi LJ Kermit you are in luck.


I'm in the process of modifying the wiring harness in my UC hatch.


It has a 308/TH400 and I'm upgrading to EFI, thermo fans, blade fuses etc so I will be minimising/modifying the harness.


Currently the wiring harness  is pulled out and stripped of its wrapping down to individual wires on my shed floor, I've checked and labelled every wire and plug.


I have been also using diagrams found on this site, a large coloured print out (A3) of the LH wiring (post#22)




and cross referencing with the basic black and white UC wiring diagram (post#4)




The LH coloured drawing is the same as a UC (except for the white wire going from the wiper motor to the washer pump is dark green on a UC).


I also have a complete unmolested wiring harness in my UC SLE hatch parts car that I can also reference for you.


I can't see the detail of your drawing, but if you download the LH wiring PDF you will be able to check yours. The LH drawing is missing things like rear window demister and intermittent wiper (dwell) but you can get those off the UC diagram.


Hope this helps.


#13 _LJ Kermit_

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 04:35 PM



i originally started cross referencing the LH LX diagram (colour) and needed to get all the other wires sorted out in my mind....  like the instrument panel indicators and stuff..


aim is to create a valid, reasonably complete, coloured and useful diagram....


in case you haven't noticed I am a wiring geek and hate poor or incomplete or erroneous diagrams... also do this sort of thing for a living as a technical writer...


quite happy to cooperate on completing a good diagram...  mainly in the range of plugs (shapes) and wiring colours...


have done a lot on a LJ XU1 diagram and also some older stuff such as (FB, EK, HD)  intend to complete good quality electronic copies that can be printed out to any reasonable size without loss of detail.

for example, the XU1 diagram can be printed out to B0 size and remains crisp and clean...  so if you need a wall chart or a table cloth it's been covered...


thanks for the advice...


will keep in touch...



#14 _LJ Kermit_

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 04:53 PM

additional to previous post...


need to raise my sketch to the same standard as the LH diagram if possible...

which is why i need more UC specific information


my sketch shows the instrument cluster wiring but not the plug shapes and wire colours and positions (lower right)

and the beginnings of the emission control stuff (lower left).

still need to put in the wiper controller...

the fusebox is different from the LH with more fuses.  so comparison is slow work to ensure no errors...


the gregory's black and white diagram has errors in it (hence my request for additional information)


so any pictures of plugs and wire colours would be really helpful...   then can send you a high res image to check against the loom


this is intended as a resource for torana geeks... but...

I have been asked about mini-minor wiring drawings... and have started on the early 60's cooper and moke.


more later...




ps as i also do this for money can also do individual diagrams for looms with modifications...   as long as the basic loom is already documented.

#15 _cool72_

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Posted 23 February 2019 - 07:19 AM

Hi Guy's, does anyone have any idea why I can't print this diagram

#16 claysummers


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Posted 23 February 2019 - 09:40 AM

puter says no 8)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

#17 _cool72_

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Posted 25 February 2019 - 10:58 AM

Hi all, would some kind person be able to scan and repost the wiring diagram again as I can't print the original.

Thank you


#18 _SRH11_

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Posted 11 July 2020 - 01:29 PM

Hi all, 4 years later from my last post I can advise on the update of “UC WIRING DRAWINGS”.


As you can see from post #12, I was helping another member in getting the info needed.


After many emails with photos, hand drawings and info the emails suddenly stopped by the other member (he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth) so the project came to a standstill and since I was modify my harness I did not need a standard wiring drawing.


Due to a member recently seeking this info from the “UC Community Torana” FB page I thought it was time to re-visit this needed info.


I have some instructions below and attached files (PDF) for the drawings needed.


1 - LH Torana wiring coloured – this is in PDF format and can be printed out large (I went to the local library and printed it out in A3 (clear as).

2 - UC wiring diagram in colour – this is the last draft I had (not complete) but has some useful info.

3 - UC wiring schematic – this schematic and legend is accurate but difficult for some people to read.


OK, instructions on how to get an accurate coloured UC wiring diagram.


Drawing: (LH Torana) accurate except for:

                Dimmer switch (12 o’clock) disregard - UC has column stalk not foot switch, use Wiper stalk connector drawing (10 o’clock UC wiring diagram) you can see the drawing that has a different style/font.

                Wiper motor (below 11 o’clock) white wire going to washer pump is dark green on UC (I just used a colour pencil to change the colour on the printed-out paper).

                Wiper dwell unit - UC option (4 o’clock UC wiring diagram) it connects to white wire (10 o’clock UC wiring diagram).

                Instruments (3/4 o’clock) Instrument Harness connector is the same, but UC has different dash options including Tacho which is shown (5 o’clock UC wiring schematic) connector no.65


Sorry for the long story. This is the best I can do as previous modifications I did to drawings was with “Paint” app on my computer, but the resolution is low and is very cumbersome.


If someone has appropriate skills and software, they may be able to do a professional looking version.


Hope this helps.


Attached File  LH Torana Wiring Diagram_coloured.pdf   850.93K   35 downloads

Attached File  UC Torana wiring schematic.pdf   240.17K   44 downloads

Attached File  UC Wiring Diagram in Colour _incomplete draft.pdf   162.78K   45 downloads


#19 _ucstephan_

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Posted 14 July 2020 - 06:37 PM

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar! I'm no brain for electronics so huge help!

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

#20 UCgazman


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Posted 14 July 2020 - 08:17 PM

Not much different to LH, I can have a go modifying the big colour one in photoshop if anyone is interested?

#21 Heath


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Posted 15 July 2020 - 10:07 AM

It would certainly be a good resource to get for the forum if you're willing, Garth.

#22 UCgazman


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Posted 15 July 2020 - 11:49 AM

Yep I was bored last night so I started doing it B) , its time consuming so it might take a while...

#23 UCgazman


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Posted 29 July 2020 - 12:34 PM

Ok here it is, if anyone spots any errors or can see room for improvement let me know and I'll update the file -


You should be able to 'Right Click and Save As' to download...

#24 Ando


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Posted 30 July 2020 - 05:06 AM

Awesome job! So much easier to read now   :spoton:

Edited by Ando, 30 July 2020 - 05:08 AM.

#25 Statler


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Posted 30 July 2020 - 10:29 AM

This needs to be added to the Torviki

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